B Beck Lievenbruck

Custom Dyed and Painted Guitars

Jun 2, 2023


Over the years we have seen artists use our products to customize a truly countless number of items. Some of our favorite, but less popular of those items, are custom guitars. Through the use of Angelus Paints and Dyes, you can create truly one-of-a-kind instruments that will stand out in your studio or on stage. Check out some of these amazing examples of the artwork you can create using Angelus products on your guitars.

Custom Spongebob guitar made with Angelus Dyes and Paints

Dyed and Painted Spongebob Acoustic Guitar by Tommy Nickerson

Sponsored artist Tommy Nickerson  (@beargallery) came through the studio and customized this guitar for a follow-along tutorial on our Youtube Channel (watch the full video here!). He began the custom with an array of Angelus Leather Dyes to create the underwater “sky” for the scene. After dyeing the background, he went in with Angelus Paints and painted Spongebob in one of his favorite places, Jellyfish Fields. This piece came together amazing and currently sits in our storefront impressing and inspiring everyone who comes through.

Handmade Electric Guitars made with Angelus Dyes


Handmade and Dyed Electric Guitars by Jay Hale

Creating guitars and basses in all shapes and colors, Jay Hale (@jhaleguitarsusa) turns to Angelus Leather Dyes whenever he needs to create vibrant fades on his handcrafted instruments. Not afraid to have his work stand out from the crowd, Jay often grabs some of our brighter colors, including our Green and Blue Dyes used on the work you see above. From broad fades on the guitar body to more subtle work along the head, Jay is making sure all of his customers pull up to their gigs with gear that gets people talking.

BigDGuitars custom guitars with Angelus Leather Dyes


Handmade and Dyed Electric Guitars by BIGDGUITARS

Having made custom guitars for over 20 years, BigDGuitars has worked with more wood than most people handle in a hundred lifetimes! Coming from a family of men who built furniture and violins, he has never been a stranger to woodworking. He got his start with a personal project making himself a guitar, and it quickly turned into an obsession. He uses Angelus Leather Dyes to create everything from dark stains to bright bursts in his work, and he has clearly mastered the art of it.


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