M Meghan Boehm

Customs ASMR: Untaping

Sep 6, 2022


ASMR can take many forms for many people. It can be the sound of typing, water dropping or a makeup brush against skin. There's no limit and often no explanation for why people find certain sounds as comforting and satisfying as they do.

So what would that sound be for customizers? Nothing could be more satisfying than an untaping that reveals a clean custom. Peeling off that Red Vinyl Tape or Masking Tape to show a clean sole or fresh paint line is peak satisfaction when it comes to finishing a sneaker.

Of course the possibility of your satisfying reveal turning into a disappointing cleanup job is always a possibility. That's why making sure you use the right tape correctly is the best way to ensure a successful custom. Here are some of the most recent reveals and some taping tricks for your next project.

(source: @dscmfrt_ )

Customizer @dscmfrt_ recently shared an untaping that revealed both clean lines and a colorful ombré. Careful taping is key on a custom like this where you only want to add paint to specific parts of the shoe, like the toebox and heel. This is especially important when working with an airbrush, which helps you easily create a gradient effect with different colors, but overspray can easily get on the rest of the shoe. Carefully taping off any surface you don't want painted keeps your custom clean.

(source: @dscmfrt_ )

When painting is done @dscmfrt_ removed the masking tape to reveal a clean black and white custom with some added rainbow color. Is there anything more satisfying than a perfect Air Force 1 custom untaping this clean?

(source: @jarcustoms)

@jarcustoms is another customizer that appreciates a perfect untaping. These WWII bomber inspired customs bring the fighter plane to your sneakers, from eyelets to midsole.

(source: @jarcustoms)

That carefully painted midsole is one of the reasons this untaping is so satisfying, just look at that clean white sole reveal on these Air Max 90s.

When it comes to deciding what tape to use for prepping your shoe first consider what kind of coverage you need. Masking Tape is a versatile choice, with medium tack that allows you to create clean lines. The weight and ability to be repositioned makes it easy to use. This makes it the perfect choice for leather and other solid surfaces. 

For more heavy duty coverage Red Vinyl Tape offers ultra sticky adhesion. It's ideal for using on the midsole, canvas or any surface where it might otherwise be hard to create a clean line and prevent paint from bleeding underneath the tape. Unlike Masking TapeVinyl Tape has some stretch to it which allows it to easily bend around corners and conform to the shape of the shoe.

Choose the right tape and you can be sure to have a satisfying untaping on your next project.

Check out Angelus Direct for all your tape and customs needs. Be sure to follow Angelus on Instagram for the latest untapings and customs reveals.

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