B Beck Lievenbruck

A Guide to Painting on Leather Bags & Purses: Unleash Your Creativity

May 17, 2024

Leather bags and purses are a timeless fashion staple, known for their durability, elegance, and versatility. But what if you could take your favorite accessory and make it uniquely yours? Enter the world of painting on leather purses, a creative and rewarding way to express your style and personality. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to transform an ordinary leather purse into a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

 Painting on a bag with Angelus Paints


Why Paint on Leather Purses?

Painting on leather purses allows you to customize your accessories in a way that stands out. It offers a unique opportunity for personalization, setting your style apart in a world of mass-produced fashion. Each hand-painted purse becomes a reflection of your personality and preferences, making it a truly one-of-a-kind accessory.

The creative possibilities are endless when painting on leather. Whether you're an experienced artist or a beginner, you can experiment with various styles, colors, and techniques. This process not only allows you to express your creativity but also results in a functional piece of art. You can make bold statements or subtle enhancements, aligning your purse perfectly with your wardrobe and personal taste.

Revitalizing old accessories is another compelling reason to paint on leather purses. An old, worn-out purse can be transformed into a refreshed, stylish piece that feels brand new. This approach promotes sustainable fashion by upcycling existing items and reducing waste, contributing to a more mindful consumption of fashion.

Hand-painted leather purses also make thoughtful and personalized gifts. A beautifully designed purse created specifically for a loved one shows a high level of care and attention, making the gift even more special. Additionally, for those with a knack for painting and design, customizing leather purses can present business opportunities, offering bespoke pieces to a niche market.


Angelus Best Sellers Kit

Getting Started: Materials You'll Need

Before you begin, gather the necessary materials:


Step-by-Step Guide to Painting on Leather Purses

1. Prepare the Surface

The first step in painting on a leather purse is to prepare the surface properly, ensuring that the paint adheres well and lasts. Start by cleaning the purse thoroughly to remove any dirt, dust, or oils. These contaminants can prevent the paint from sticking correctly, leading to a patchy or uneven finish. Use a damp cloth to wipe the purse, and let it dry completely.

Next, do 3-5 passes with Angelus Leather Preparer & Deglazer to an applicator pad or clean cloth and wipe down the area you plan to paint. Be sure to test a small area first! Leather Preparer & Deglazer remove the factory finish so that the paint can properly bond to the leather. Be thorough but gentle, as you don't want to damage the leather. Allow the deglazed surface to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Leather Preparer & Deglazer

2. Plan Your Design

Before applying any paint to the purse, take the time to plan your design. Sketching your design on paper first helps you visualize the final look and make necessary adjustments without the risk of mistakes on the purse. Consider the color scheme, patterns, and overall theme you want to achieve. Many people like to create mockups in programs such as Photoshop and Procreate

If you're new to painting or want to create more intricate patterns, using stencils can be incredibly helpful. Stencils provide a guide that ensures consistency and precision in your design. You can purchase pre-made stencils or create your own custom ones using stencil paper and a craft knife.

3. Mask Off Areas

To ensure clean lines and prevent accidental smudges, use painter's tape to cover any parts of the purse you don't want to paint. Carefully apply the tape around zippers, hardware, and seams, as well as any sections of the purse you wish to keep untouched. Painter's tape is designed to adhere well without leaving residue, making it ideal for this task. This step is optional, but definitely recommended!

Press down the edges of the tape firmly to prevent paint from seeping underneath. If you're working with a complex design that involves multiple colors or layers, you may need to apply and remove tape in stages, allowing each section to dry before moving on to the next.

Angelus Vinyl Tape

4. Start Painting

Now it's time to start painting. Begin with a base coat if your design requires it. A base coat provides a solid foundation and can enhance the vibrancy of the colors you apply on top. Use thin, even coats of paint, and avoid overloading your brush, as thick layers can lead to cracking and peeling. If you are painting on a black surface, you will want to use a color such as White or Mist as your base coat so that you can more easily get full coverage with the colors that you use later.

Allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next. Patience is key here—rushing can result in a less durable finish. Thin layers dry faster and more evenly, creating a smooth and professional-looking result. Use multiple (usually 3-5) thin layers, not 1 or 2 thick ones for the best looking and most durable results!

Angelus Paint

5. Add Details

Once the base colors are dry, you can add details and fine lines. Use smaller brushes for this step to ensure precision and accuracy. Take your time to build up the details gradually, and don’t be afraid to use different brush sizes and shapes to achieve various effects.

If you're adding text or intricate patterns, you might find it helpful to use a fine-tip brush or Angelus Paint Markers. These tools provide better control and allow you to create crisp, clean lines.

Angelus Micro Brushes

6. Let It Dry

After completing your design, allow the purse to dry completely. This drying process can take several hours, depending on the number of paint layers and the humidity level in your workspace. Place the purse in a well-ventilated area to speed up the drying time. Avoid touching or using the purse until it is fully dry to prevent smudging or damaging your artwork.

7. Protect your Artwork with a Finisher

* This step is optional as Angelus Paint is durable by itself* The final step is to add a 4-Coat finisher to your painted design to protect it from wear and tear. Apply a finisher to the entire painted area, following the manufacturer’s instructions. The finisher creates a protective barrier that helps maintain the longevity and vibrancy of your painted purse. It also adds a layer of durability, making the purse more resistant to scratches and fading.

Allow the sealant to dry completely before using your purse. It is best to wait 24 hours before flexing our bending your new painted item. Once dry, your hand-painted leather purse is ready to be showcased, used, or gifted as a unique and personal accessory.

Angelus 4-Coat Finishers


Tips for Success

  • Test Your Paints: Always test your paints on a small, inconspicuous area of the purse to ensure they adhere well and produce the desired color.

  • Be Patient: Rushing can lead to mistakes. Take your time with each step for the best results.

  • Stay Inspired: Look for inspiration in fashion magazines, art books, or online platforms like Pinterest and Instagram. The more ideas you gather, the more creative your designs can become.


Painting a bag with Angelus Paints


Painting on leather purses is a fantastic way to personalize your accessories and showcase your creativity. With the right materials and a bit of patience, you can transform a simple leather purse into a stunning piece of art. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a DIY enthusiast, this project is sure to be a fun and rewarding experience. So grab your paints, unleash your imagination, and start creating your custom leather masterpiece today!

For all your leather painting needs, visit Angelus Direct, where you'll find high-quality paints, brushes, and sealants to bring your artistic visions to life.

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