C Connor Beam

How to Easily Restore Yellowed Shoes

Jan 6, 2020 · Accessories · Angelus Direct · Angelus Paint · Angelus Paints · blog · customs · DIY · paint · restoration · shoe cleaner · shoe protection · tutorial · videos

Nothing ruins a pair of shoes more than yellow soles. While most people might consider yellowed shoes to be ruined, it's a lot easier than you might think to restore your worn-out kicks.

Let's take a look at how you can restore your yellowed shoes and remove yellowing from shoes with just a few products.

Why Shoes Turn Yellow

Sole Bright

There are a few reasons your white shoes and soles might turn yellow over time, but the main reason is oxidation. In some cases, though, it might be because of something simple like dirt or because you aren't cleaning them correctly.

If your kicks are yellow or are starting to turn, just follow the steps below to restore them to factory condition.

How to Restore Yellowed Shoes

Ready to get started?

Follow these simple steps to get your shoes back to like-new condition.

Grab Your Supplies

Not all cleaning supplies are safe to use on certain shoes and materials. The wrong tools can make your kicks look even worse, or at least won't be effective in restoring your shoes.

If you want to easily and safely restore yellowing sneakers, try using the following products:

Once you grab these materials, it's time to get started on the restoration.

Clean the Shoes

Angelus Easy Cleaner Kit

This Easy Cleaner Kit has everything you need to clean your shoes and prep them for painting or restoration.

To use it, pour some of the Easy Cleaner into a bowl, dip your brush into the cleaning solution, and scrub your shoes to get rid of any dirt and grim. Afterward, use the microfiber towel to wipe the surface clean.

De-Yellow the Soles

Sole Bright

Next, it's time to remove yellowing from shoes and de-yellow the soles. Sole Bright works to remove oxidation and restore yellowed soles and midsoles. Sole Bright is safe for all soles including Glow in the Dark and will not hinder glow properties. 

Start by using a brush to apply a light to medium coat of Sole Bright to the oxidized parts of your shoes. Be careful not to let the product get onto unwanted areas. Also, avoid contact with non-rubber materials.

Then, cover the shoes in clear wrap and leave them in the sun for one to six hours (one hour for midsoles, four to six for clear/icy soles). After you remove the clear wrap, you can use a toothbrush and warm water to remove any excess Sole Bright.

Keep in mind, multiple sessions might be necessary to completely get rid of yellowing on shoes and completely remove yellowing from shoes.  For severe cases, consider repeating steps to fully restore yellowing sneakers.

Apply Mink Oil

Angelus Mink Oil comes in a Aerosol version for leather conditioning on the go.

Mink Oil is a water-proofer and conditioner and can also help protect against stains.

To use it, simply apply a thin layer to the shoe with a few quick sprays. Then, use a clean and dry rag to pat down t

To use it, simply apply a thin layer to the shoe with a few quick sprays. Then, use a clean and dry rag to pat down the shoe. This will help protect your shoe from yellowing shoes once the restoration is complete and help prevent yellowing of shoe sole.

he shoe. This will help protect your shoe from yellowing once the restoration is complete.

Make sure to check out this tutorial on our YouTube channel for a more detailed walkthrough on how to restore yellowed soles.

Also, don't forget to follow Angelus on Instagram and check out our website to pick up the materials you need for your next custom or resto project.

FAQs on Restoring Yellowed Shoes

Why did my white shoes turn yellow?

White shoes turn yellow mainly due to oxidation, which happens when they are exposed to air over time. Other factors like dirt buildup, improper cleaning, and sun exposure can also contribute to yellowing.

How to clean yellow soles of shoes?

To clean yellow soles, use a specialized product like Angelus Sole Bright. Apply a thin layer to the yellowed areas, wrap the shoes in clear plastic, and let them sit in the sun for a few hours. Repeat if necessary until the oxidation is removed.

How to fix yellowing Jordans?

If your Jordans have yellowed soles, use Sole Bright to restore them. First, clean the shoes with Angelus Easy Cleaner, then apply Sole Bright to the oxidized areas and let them sit in the sun. Follow up with Mink Oil to protect the shoes from future yellowing.

How to restore yellowing sneakers?
To restore yellowing sneakers, start by cleaning them with Angelus Easy Cleaner to remove dirt and grime. Then, apply Angelus Sole Bright to the yellowed areas, wrap the shoes in clear plastic, and leave them in the sun for a few hours. Finally, use Angelus Mink Oil to protect the shoes from future yellowing. Repeat the process if needed for the best results.


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