Just getting started and looking for a kit that has everything you need? Been painting for a while, but feel like you need to stock up on new brushes and colors? The new Angelus Leather Paint Basics Kit has you covered.
This eleven piece set has all your painting essentials, from brushes to a leather preparer to a selection of paints. Coming with five assorted paint brushes in a variety of styles you'll have the right brush for just about any project.
This kit is fully customizable with the paints of your choice. Select the five 1 oz. Acrylic Leather Paints colors you want to complete this set. This is a great way to get all the paints you need at once for your next project.
No leather painting set would be complete without Leather Preparer & Deglazer. This is a must-have when painting leather shoes, purses, furniture or other leather items that have a finish on them. Leather Preparer & Deglazer removes the finish so that any paint applied to the leather will last.
This Basics Kit is a great place to start. When you're ready to try some other products there are a few not included in this kit that can take your work to the next level. 2-Soft is a must have for keeping paint soft when painting on fabrics. 2-Thin is essential for thinning paints when painting with an airbrush. Finish off your project with Acrylic Finisher for a shiny top coat.